Monday, March 17, 2014

NTU Bike Fest 2014!

On 13 & 14 March 2014, NTU Rider’s Club has once again come up with NTU Bike Fest to info-tain the student population about traffic safety, NTU Rider’s Club and Riding in general. 


Exhibitors for this year included NRC, BBDC, Komoco Motors (Harley Davidson), Helmet Boys, Wingyap Motors and Redbull Singapore. The event garnered a lot of interest from passerbys, and we were constantly encouraging them to try the Simulators brought in by BBDC that emphasize on the importance of staying away from drink driving, and to take pictures of the various bikes available or just chat about motorcycles in general. 

Here are some photos during our 2 days event!


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